At Futuris, participation is important. Parents, pupils and staff can participate and make decisions on important school matters.
Within the Cedar Group, there is both a Common Participation Council (GMR) at group level and a Participation Council (MR) at school level. The GMR deals with matters affecting several schools within the Cedergroup, while the MR focuses on the specific interests of Futuris.
Employee participation is organised according to the School Participation Act (WMS), which describes the various powers of parents, pupils and staff. In addition to the statutory guidelines, the Cedergroep, of which Futuris is part, has its own participation statute and GMR regulations. There you can read more about how co-determination works at our school.
Futuris provides a safe learning environment by actively addressing bullying behaviour and appointing a confidential advisor to whom pupils can turn. There is a bullying protocol and the mentoring team plays an important role in identifying and resolving conflicts.
Mobile phones and tablets may be used in lessons only if the teacher gives permission, because they are used in class, for example. Outside lessons, you may use them during breaks.
Futuris’ mission is to provide inspiring and pupil-centred education in a safe, stable and warm environment. We prepare pupils for a promising future by helping them discover and further develop their talents in a socially relevant context.
School days usually start at 08:30 and end between 14:30 and 15:30, depending on your timetable and any profile or practical classes. More information can be found in the lessons table.